So I've been a pretty big book reader my whole life, on average finishing a book every 1-3 months (depending on how big) and reading as a hobby is second only to gaming.
I've come to a bit of a revelation recently though where when I'm heavily invested in a book I find myself either evoiding or simply not enjoying story-heavy games.
For example, I've been on a bit of a tear recently where I'm finishing a book in about 2 weeks. And at the same time my backlog consists of ME: Trilogy, Red Dead 2, Horizon: ZD and Nier Replicant. All awesome games but all very extensive games with heavy story elements. I just can't find myself to start any of these games and instead double dipped and grabbed MH: Rise on PC instead, because I wanted an action-heavy, gameplay oriented game.
This has been a consistent trend throughout my gaming life and it takes me A LOT of effort to start and finish any game that is story and/ or text heavy and instead lean towards gameplay oriented games (MMOs, MOBA, fighters, etc).
So do any other avid book readers have similar issues or am I pretty alone in this regard? Has anyone else found any other correlations between reading books and it effecting what games you play?
Thanks! submitted by /u/aladdin142
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